Where's My Burrito? Ep 64: Coyote Ugly 3- Rise of the Planet of the Pennys

Equal parts extended therapy session and writer’s room, Christian grapples with his inability to take compliments, while we workshop a Coyote Ugly requel, a new American epic about graverobbin’, and break our longest-running segment streak with the fourth episode of Malibu Homicide.

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Where's My Burrito? EP 63: "You were saying you love vodka more than your wife."


Christian proclaims his love for vodka above all things while also educating Max on philosophy and telling a parable about vegetarian retribution. Max regales Christian with tales of a Harry Potter universe that’s set in a blisteringly hot Florida theme park and packed with miserable fanny pack wearing tourists.

EP 3 of Malibu Homicide continues the saga and ties with our other most recurring segment, Face/Off recaps. Will we last longer than 3 eps? Yes.

Where's My Burrito? Ep 59: Answering Questions No One Asked

Where’s My Burrito? Is bicoastal.

In honor of this, the boys pivot and make the how a murder mystery hellbent on solving the Biggie/Tupac murders…

But almost immediatley give that up to talk about Beetljuice the musical.

Christian fixes terrorism while pitching terrorism.

Mama McCarty comes to town

and Christian moves to LA.

It’s an episode chalk full of specialty lawyers, Creepy Arkansans and just a smidge of the most useless super power ever.
