Where's My Burrito?: Ep 85: The Salem Trip Trials

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We kick off this episode workshopping our most cogent and realistic film idea to date: an anthropomorphized surly hurricane that has a love affair with a regular horse, and then fights El Nino, his estranged son. After that this totally serious episode gets into the hypothetically trippy history of the Salem Witch Trials and dance epidemics, reveals Christians dark history with a drug addict puppet, and seriously asks how Batman is in any way helping battle systemic racism.

Where's My Burrito? Ep 74: Thrones '77

On this week's installment of an ongoing conversation, Spielberg scapegoats Rita Moreno... look back at the failure of the Game of Thrones finale 1 year later... Pitch the follow up series, Thrones '77 set in New York with a Weekend at Bernie's Dany Pitch Finale Fixers, where we fix your finales. Try (and Fail) to make a funny MeToo moment. Nicholson reveals himself in the eleventh hour.

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